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西班牙首发:1-凯帕、20-卡瓦哈尔、4-纳乔、5-拉波尔特、3-巴尔德、16-罗德里、15-梅里诺(81’8-法比安-鲁伊斯)、21-奥尔莫(68’11-皮诺) ), 17-阿斯帕斯 (57’10-塞瓦略斯), 9-加维 (57’18-奥亚萨巴尔), 7-莫拉塔 (81’12-何塞卢)

挪威首发:1-尼兰德、22-马库斯-彼得森(74’14-赖尔森)、4-斯特兰德伯格、15-厄斯蒂加德、5-梅林(74’17-布约尔坎)、10-厄德高、6-伯格、16-奥尔斯内斯 、8-博格(74’23-拉森)、19-索洛特(86’7-布林希尔德森)、11-尤努斯(74’9-索尔巴肯)


帕特里克贝弗利的妈妈丽莎贝弗利是谁? 看两人关系(吉祥坊)


帕特里克·贝弗利 (Patrick Beverley) 的妈妈丽莎·贝弗利 (Lisa Beverley) 最近在与芝加哥公牛队比赛后的滑稽动作后引起了病毒式的轰动。 在最近输给费城 76 人队之后,她参加了球衣交换。

交换球衣是球员之间习惯性的尊重标志,但球迷从来没有这样做过。 然而,本周帕特里克贝弗利的妈妈就是这种情况。 她与她儿子的播客联合主持人 Barstool Sports 交换了球衣。

在洛杉矶湖人队开始新的一年后,帕特里克贝弗利在交易截止日被交易到奥兰多魔术队。 后来他得到了买断并选择与他的家乡芝加哥公牛队签约。 这位经验丰富的控球后卫已经为他的新球队打了 13 场比赛,场均得到 5.9 分、6.1 个篮板和 3.7 次助攻。

关于贝弗利父母的信息不多,但他似乎确实与他们关系密切。 丽莎和他的父亲帕特里克在芝加哥抚养他长大,帮助他实现了打职业篮球的梦想。




克莱汤普森因赛季初的糟糕表现而受到严厉批评。 名人堂成员查尔斯巴克利指出,他不再是他曾经的那个球员。

汤普森终于度过了一个没有康复的休赛期,然后两年来第一次去训练营。 缓慢但稳定地,他已经证明他仍然拥有它,当他打得好的时候,金州勇士队明显更好。

当克莱汤普森至少得到 25 分时,金州勇士队保持着 15 胜 6 负的战绩。 在那些比赛中,他场均 32.4 分,投篮命中率为 50.3%,其中三分球命中率为 47.3%。 考虑到斯蒂芬库里在其中 11 场比赛中都没有上场,这是一个令人印象深刻的成绩。

“Game 6 Klay”可能不再是他曾经的那个球员,但他仍然可以对勇士队产生影响。

金州勇士队将在周三结束与达拉斯小牛队的五场客场之旅。 时间会证明克莱汤普森和勇士队是否会表现出“极度紧迫感”,以及他们是否会“如此认真地”对待这些比赛。



这是构成明尼苏达森林狼队赛季的一系列不幸事件中的最新事件。 在球队完成了一项重磅交易以签下三届年度最佳防守球员鲁迪戈贝尔之后,人们对这一年寄予厚望。

这位大个子在很大程度上表现平平,场均得到 13.8 分和 11.5 个篮板。 他一直在努力寻找与球队名单中其他球员的化学反应,其中最著名的是卡尔-安东尼-唐斯。

由于唐斯自 11 月 28 日以来一直离开球场,这两个大个子没有太多时间建立化学反应。 这位来自肯塔基大学的球员在赛季初小腿受伤,虽然他离复出越来越近,但仍然没有确定的目标日期。

总的来说,森林狼本赛季的战绩为35胜36负,排在西部第8位。 虽然他们一直在为冲击季后赛而努力,但伤病和缺乏整体成功表明今年可能不会出现这种情况。

最大的因素将是安东尼爱德华兹的伤病以及他是否有机会在本赛季回归。 他已经确立了自己作为球队前进的代言人的地位,年仅 21 岁的他前途光明。 关于爱德华兹和森林狼队其他伤病的更多更新肯定会到来。


2023 年 NBA MVP 何时公布? 探索公告的日期和时间(吉祥坊)


随着 NBA 常规赛的结束,关于谁将获得 MVP 奖项的争论仍在继续。 今年早些时候,尼古拉·约基奇被选中连续第三次获得 MVP 奖。 从那时起,围绕谁将获得该奖项展开了激烈的辩论。

鉴于此,许多人想知道 2023 MVP 何时公布。 这个赛季,就像过去的许多其他赛季一样,该奖项可能会在 6 月颁发。 去年,约基奇于 6 月 8 日被宣布为获奖者。





据报道,去年夏天,孟菲斯灰熊队的后卫在一场篮球比赛中与一名 17 岁的男孩发生了争执。 据称,莫兰特在袭击了这名十几岁的男孩后,还亮了他的枪。

2023年1月,天才卫士卷入激光事件。 印第安纳步行者队声称在与灰熊队的比赛后有人用激光瞄准他们。 激光是从载着莫兰特的车辆指向的。

莫兰特的行为是可以接受的,但更糟糕的是,他在 Instagram 上的直播视频中似乎还亮过枪。 这段视频是在孟菲斯队输给丹佛掘金队后不久发布的。

视频浮出水面后不久,NBA 发表声明,称将对莫兰特进行调查。 虽然很难说这把枪是真是假,但这对这位 23 岁的警卫来说可不是什么好东西。




贾里德·范德比尔特 (Jarred Vanderbilt) 的加入让洛杉矶湖人队饱受诟病、后卫人数众多的阵容得到了提升。 如果湖人队需要他,他既可以打前锋,也可以打后卫。

他有机会防守卢卡东契奇和凯里欧文。 在比赛后期非常关键的位置上,这位肯塔基产品迫使东契奇出现失误。 作为 Doncic 的主要防守者,他将他的投篮命中率限制在 2-7,同时迫使 MVP 候选人努力工作以到达他最喜欢的场上位置。

在少数情况下,他被换成克里斯蒂安伍德,达拉斯小牛队的中锋无法用他的身材压倒他,也无法在外线超越他。 他毫不费力地在内线与大个子德怀特鲍威尔争夺篮板。

贾里德范德比尔特场均只有 1.0 次抢断,但他一直是防守的破坏者。 他对比赛的感觉、身高和侵略性迫使达拉斯小牛队多次重新调整他们的进攻。

范德比尔特今晚有四次抢断,但感觉他几乎在达拉斯的每一个位置上都在控球。 在比赛最关键的时候,“范多”无缝切换到凯里欧文或卢卡东契奇。

湖人总经理罗伯佩林卡在交易截止日前得到了前全明星德安吉洛拉塞尔。 但本赛季对好莱坞阵容影响最大的人可能是范德比尔特。

他得到 15 分,全场最高的 17 个篮板和 4 次抢断。 可以肯定地说,没有他的贡献,洛杉矶湖人队无法赢得这场比赛。


阿森纳转会新闻综述:枪手争夺 Rasmus Hojlund; Folarin Balogun 支持在阿联酋航空取得成功等


阿森纳是英超联赛的夺冠热门。 米克尔·阿尔特塔的球队在少赛一场的情况下领先榜首两分,接下来将在王权球场迎战莱斯特城。

与此同时,北伦敦方面正在与皇家马德里争夺拉斯穆斯·霍伊伦德的服务。 在其他地方,前枪手后卫米卡尔西尔维斯特支持法洛林巴洛贡在酋长球场取得成功。





鲍尔从去年1月15日开始因膝伤缺阵。 期间,他接受了两次膝盖手术,但在剧烈运动时膝盖仍会感到疼痛。 公牛队最终决定让鲍尔在本赛季剩下的时间里安心休息。 鲍尔本赛季确定报销,将继续专注于恢复,以便下赛季恢复健康。






拉斐尔·贝尼特斯 (Rafael Benitez) 揭开了他在担任皇马主教练期间更喜欢加雷斯·贝尔而不是克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多的说法。

这位西班牙战术家于 2015 年夏天接替卡洛·安切洛蒂执掌圣地亚哥·伯纳乌。 尽管在他负责的 25 场比赛中赢得了 17 场比赛,但他还是在 2016 年 1 月被解雇了。

他显然已经不受支持者的欢迎,也未能激发一个充满超级巨星如加雷斯贝尔和克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多的更衣室。 贝尼特斯最近在 Cadena SER 上被问及他是否真的更喜欢威尔士国脚而不是后者。

贝尔在贝尼特斯手下的各项赛事中出场 15 次,打进 9 球,出场 10 次。 克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多比贝尼特斯手下的前托特纳姆热刺边锋多打了 9 场比赛,打进 25 球和 8 次助攻。

西班牙人在 1 月份被齐达内取代,俱乐部赢得了那个赛季的欧洲冠军联赛冠军。 与此同时,贝尼特斯在接下来的几年里继续管理纽卡斯尔联队、大连职业队和埃弗顿队。

在 2022 年 1 月被解除太妃糖经理一职后,他目前是一名自由球员。


为什么 NBA 世界目前讨厌卡尔马龙和约翰斯托克顿? 他们争议的详细时间表

卡尔马龙和约翰斯托克顿是犹他爵士历史上最好的两位球员。 他们一起打了将近二十年,两次进入 NBA 总决赛,但两次都输给了芝加哥公牛队和迈克尔乔丹。

马龙和斯托克顿是不可思议的运动员。 斯托克顿是一个铁人,也是一个出色的组织者,而马龙则以低位移动和篮板球统治着他的对手。

不幸的是,他们两个也都非常有争议。 尽管都进入了名人堂,卡尔马龙和约翰斯托克顿仍然是 2023 年最令人讨厌的运动员之一,原因如下。




山东泰山队球员分三批归队。 首批归队的球员已经开始储备体能。 第二批球员将于2月16日集结,他们将在2月17日和18日进行体检和身体机能测试,然后进行体能训练。 第三批球员为外援,预计月底归队训练。

上赛季受伤的廖力生也已经归队进行康复训练。 他最近一直在独自训练,完全恢复还需要一些时间。

山东泰山队的内援童磊和孙国文已经随队训练。 胡靖航和刘世博参加了球队集训,能否签约目前还没有明确答案。 山东泰山队还有其他内援目标,目前还在接触谈判阶段。


Paul Pierce 加密货币丑闻:SEC 指控他的罪名是什么,他可以被处罚多长时间?


保罗皮尔斯加密货币丑闻是当今 NBA 最热门的话题之一。 在最近发生的事件之后,这位前 NBA 冠军已经与美国证券交易委员会达成和解。

皮尔斯在被人看到推广加密安全产品 Ethereum Max 后发现自己陷入了法律纠纷。 在他为 EMAX 代币背书后,公司为他在社交媒体上的背书支付了费用。 这是 Ethereum Max 第二次被发现这样做,因为他们与 Kim Kardashian 进行了类似的噱头。






据山东媒体《泰安日报》报道,本月7日在香河举行的三级联赛俱乐部会议上,对于归化球员的政策会有较为明确的答复。 参加中超还要看足协的态度。

报道称,本月7日,足协联赛会议将在香河召开,有关联赛和球员的各项政策正在讨论中,包括联赛的准入政策、外援政策、U23球员政策和归化等。 玩家。 政策也可能有相对明确的答案。

对于山东泰山队来说,德尔加多的身份同样值得关注。 《泰安日报》称,德尔加多未来具备为国足效力的条件,实力也得到了肯定。 如果德尔加多能够获得更多的出场时间,能够进一步提升实力,这对于国足冲击2026年世界杯也是一个利好消息。

此外,新赛季德尔加多能否以本土球员的身份征战中超,联赛会议上可能会被讨论和提及。 最终的决定还要看足协的态度。



NBA 交易机器:湖人队能否通过出售拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克等关键资产来获得扎克·拉文?


一系列 NBA 谣言突显了洛杉矶湖人队有兴趣利用拉塞尔威斯布鲁克作为交易筹码来收购扎克拉文。 威斯布鲁克自从坐上替补席以来,他的表现有了很大的提高,但湖人队在很多方面都需要改进。 他的合同是他们能够显着改善阵容的唯一途径。

湖人队在与顶级竞争者的竞争中表现出色,但胜利并没有证明这一点。 他们是联盟中三分球命中率最差的球队之一,在大型比赛中经常伤到他们。

然而,洛杉矶不仅仅是在探索角色球员市场来改善阵容。 他们总是在寻找超级巨星级别的球员。 有些可以在交易截止日期(2 月 9 日)之前提供。

根据雅虎体育的杰克费舍尔的说法,湖人队是对拉文感兴趣的球队之一,尽管他在上个休赛期签下了一份为期五年、价值 216 美元的超级顶薪合同。

有传言称,在经历了一个与去年相比平庸的赛季后,公牛队可能会在交易截止日前成为卖家。 他们是 24-27,在发布时排名第 10。 由于他们的表现不佳,他们可能愿意交易 Zach LaVine。



魔笛迎世界杯“幕布赛” 传奇中场或成全场最佳

北京时间,卡塔尔世界杯季军争夺战即将打响,莫德里奇领衔的克罗地亚将迎战黑马摩洛哥! 在上一场0-3不敌阿根廷之后,可以说莫德里奇已经完成了世界杯生涯的最后一场重要比赛。 ”秀。该机构开出了本场比赛的最佳赔率,莫德里奇以3.25比1遥遥领先,可能会用这个奖项为自己的世界杯之旅画上句号。

在目前的克罗地亚队中,37岁的中场大将莫德里奇依然是球队的核心。 四年前在俄罗斯,克罗地亚进入了决赛。 虽然他们2-4不敌法国,但也创造了国家队历史最佳战绩! 淘汰赛经过2场点球大战和1场加时赛,33岁的魔笛出战694分钟,为全队之最。 7场全部被换下2次,其余时间全部出战!

37岁的莫德里奇大概率无法参加下一届世界杯。 对阵摩洛哥的第三场比赛将是这位中场球员的世界杯谢幕。 机构给了他3.25比1的最佳赔率,远远领先于两队的其他球员。 魔笛此前在对阵摩洛哥和比利时的比赛中获得过MVP,本场比赛有望再次夺冠!



北京时间,2022年世界杯决赛即将打响。 据外媒报道,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基想在赛前出现在全球观众面前讲话,但遭到了国际足联的拒绝。

消息人士告诉美国有线电视新闻网,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基要求在周日世界杯决赛前分享世界和平的信息,但被国际足联拒绝。 泽伦斯基的办公室提出在赛前出现在卡塔尔体育场的视频中,目前尚不清楚泽伦斯基是现场直播还是录制视频。

“我们认为国际足联会利用它的平台来实现更大的利益,”消息人士说。 据了解,乌克兰和国际足联之间的谈判正在进行中。 对此,国际足联没有回应。






曼联目前在联赛积分榜上排名第四,落后领头羊阿森纳 11 分。





媒体报道称,恩佐·费尔南德斯周三会见了俱乐部主席、欧洲足球传奇鲁伊·科斯塔,讨论了这一提议。 鲁伊科斯塔试图说服这位阿根廷新星等待,他认为切尔西在英超联赛中的排名不高,可能会错过下赛季的冠军联赛,并且由于最近的俱乐部所有权变动,切尔西正经历一段不稳定的时期。

此外,据报道,鲁伊·科斯塔向恩佐·费尔南德斯提供了大幅改善合同的机会,增加了 800 万欧元的与表现相关的奖金。 他们还希望增加他的释放条款,即使俱乐部允许他在赛季结束时以更低的价格离开。




30岁的维拉蒂2012年7月加盟巴黎,10年间为巴黎出场398次。 他是球队历史上出场次数第二多的球员。 他贡献了11个进球和48次助攻。



王岚琴14+9 同曦绝杀浙江程帅鹏18+8 吴前13分




首节,浙江以11-6开局。 彼得森和阿彻轮流追分。 两队首节打成24-24平。 次节比赛,同曦迅速确立了7分的领先优势。 程帅鹏和刘泽一连续得分。 半场结束,浙江47-50落后。

易边再战,同曦派出两名外援同时上场,王兰珍连续命中三分,阿彻和彼得森也打出高效率,同曦单节轰出32-18,浙江82-领先 三节后65。

末节同曦一度领先25分,浙江队没有放弃,程帅鹏连投带罚连拿7分,浙江追到15分,王岚琴和阿彻重新换装稳住局面, 最终,浙江队以91-114不敌同曦队。



在中超联赛第32轮的比赛中,成都凤凰山体育公园职业足球场迎来了中超联赛的首秀。 最终,成都荣成1-0战胜武汉三镇。 约有30,000名球迷观看了比赛。 赛后,成都荣成球员周定洋在个人微博上发文感谢球迷。

周定洋在个人微博上晒出全场照片,并配文写道:没有球迷,足球什么都不是! 昨晚真的是惊喜,我的球员很棒,球迷很棒! 谢谢大家的支持。 祝你们每个人圣诞快乐!



不久前的世界杯,C罗在与韩国的比赛结束后与韩国前锋曹圭星发生口角,引发热议。 不过,刚刚离开韩国队主帅位置的保罗·本托表示,事实并非如此。

在与韩国队的比赛中,C罗早早被换下。 他不满桑托斯的决定,但桑托斯表示,C罗不是不满被换下,而是不满曹贵诚催促他赶紧离场。

不过同为葡萄牙人的本托近日在接受《记录》采访时透露:“我当时在替补席上,当C罗离场时,我跟他说了一些话。至于我的球员(曹贵成),我并没有 想想他做了什么?”

Bento透露:“其实围绕这件事发生的一切都是韩国选手被他们利用来掩盖其他不堪入目的事情。我们对对方发生的事情是无辜的,但拿别人来解释我们的行为并不是 诚实的举动,我认为这是不道德的、不正确的和不雅观的。”





斯波尔斯特拉说:“詹姆斯的表现真的很疯狂,他正在重新定义人类的无限潜力,他看起来就像NBA的汤姆布雷迪,他还在进步,运动能力也在进步。还在。同时, 他将能够在 50 多岁时凭借他的大脑仍然保持高效并有所作为。”




英超联赛即将开始! 阿森纳、曼城和曼联,谁先“跪”?

北京时间,英超联赛第17轮将开打。 作为世界上最有价值的足球联赛,英超联赛的赛程也是恐怖的。 第17轮首场比赛距离世界杯决赛还有不到一周的时间,对球员的要求非常高。

本届卡塔尔世界杯,共有133名英超球员参赛,其中10人随队晋级决赛,分别是曼城前锋阿尔瓦雷斯、阿森纳后卫萨利巴、利物浦后卫科纳特和曼联后卫L-马丁内斯、瓦拉内, 热刺门将洛里斯、后卫C-罗梅罗、布莱顿中场麦卡利斯特、西汉姆门将阿雷奥拉和维拉门将埃-马丁内斯。 毫无疑问,这些球员在各自俱乐部都是首发或重要轮换,但考虑到总决赛后的休息调整,他们可能不会很快归队。

值得注意的是,本届卡塔尔世界杯英超球员总出场时间接近3万分钟。 其中,曼城球员总出场时间为4572分钟排名第一,热刺球员总出场时间为3600分钟排名第二,曼联球员总出场时间为3587分钟排名第三。 显然,这三支球队的成员都承担了很多世界杯任务,但他们中的大部分都没有长途跋涉,整体消耗还是可以控制的。

目前积分榜上,阿森纳积37分高居榜首,领先身后的曼城5分。 虽然球队拿到了久违的圣诞冠军,但是枪手在世界杯期间迎来了噩耗。 球队主力前锋热苏斯在对阵喀麦隆的比赛中右膝受伤,至少要休战到明年3月。 这对于阵容深度并不是特别好的阿森纳来说,绝对是一场“灾难”。 如果这个窗口有效,那么他们大概率会被曼城反超。

目前排名积分榜第二的曼城,受世界杯的影响并不大。 小蜘蛛阿尔瓦雷斯虽然随队进入决赛并夺冠,但在曼城的阵型中定位为替补,何时归队无所谓。 再加上之前受伤的沃克和菲利普斯都在世界杯期间迎来了复出,这让瓜迪奥拉的底牌更加丰富。 当然,请大家不要忘记,挪威猛兽哈兰德并没有世界杯任务。 在得到足够的休息和准备之后,魔鬼可能会展现出更加惊人的表现。

纽卡斯尔和热刺目前分列积分榜第3和第4位。 排名榜首的纽卡斯尔并没有被国际足联病毒侵蚀。 威尔逊、特里皮尔、吉马良斯等主力8强全部出局,基本不会影响下半程的赛程。 当然,纽卡斯尔本赛季的表现已经超出预期,全队还是受到一定阵容深度的影响,未来很可能会落后。 排名第4的热刺多轮过后只领先曼联3分。 他们确实受到了世界杯的巨大冲击。 无论是佩里西奇还是C-罗梅罗战斗到最后两天,还是孙兴慜的伤病大战,凯恩罚丢点球的心理影响等等,对于热刺来说,这都是不确定的,也会给他们蒙上阴影 下一个时间表。

传统的3强曼联、切尔西和利物浦并没有受到世界杯太大的影响。 其中,曼联在世界杯前就与C罗达成了解约协议。 没有他,红魔的凝聚力可能会更强,这对他们争4似乎是一大利好。切尔西和利物浦在世界杯前都比较动荡。 蓝军换帅,红军也受到引援不利等诸多因素的影响。 经过一个月的休赛期,能否重振雄风迫在眉睫。




数据:吉林(10-8):琼斯42分18篮板18助攻,姜伟泽28分6篮板6助攻,崔晋铭25分,姜宇星20分8篮板,钟诚4分11篮板 和5次助攻。


上半场比赛,凭借琼斯的高效表现,吉林取得了15分的领先优势。 琼斯上半场比赛得到23分10篮板9助攻。 第三节,琼斯和姜伟泽联手继续拉大分差。 末节,分差被拉大到30多分,吉林轻松战胜北控。



随着阿根廷正式加冕卡塔尔世界杯冠军,梅西可谓是风头一时,世界冠军的名声响彻全球。 而曾经与“绝代双骄”齐名的C罗,似乎已经彻底“跌落神坛”。 在与曼联达成解约后,这位葡萄牙球星在卡塔尔为自己挡住了一切,但最终的结局还是那么苦涩。 这样看来,整个欧洲似乎都没有他的立足之地。

据西班牙《阿斯报》报道,C罗当地时间周三抵达沙特首都利雅得,已经决定加盟利雅得胜利。 双方将签约至2025年,C罗虽然此前否认加盟俱乐部,但从目前的消息来看,似乎已经进入了等待官宣的阶段。 目前,相关机构已经发布了C罗下家赔率,加盟任何一家沙特俱乐部的赔率仅为1.67比1。

近日,C罗在接受相关媒体采访时表示,他希望能够参加2026年在美国、加拿大和墨西哥举办的世界杯,尽管当时葡萄牙人已经41岁了。 如果可能的话,这将是C罗的第六次世界杯之旅。 而利雅得的胜利,能否成为他续写职业生涯战绩的下一站?

从1.67比1的加盟数据来看,虽然可能性没有外界报道的那么接近,但确实不小。 毕竟,在接下来的赔率中排名第二的皇马已经明确表示不会接受C罗。 恐怕葡萄牙人唯一的可能就是加入沙特。








勇士队在输掉 15 场比赛后成为第一支离开金州勇士队的球队

北京时间,金州勇士队客场挑战纽约尼克斯队。 本赛季客场表现不佳的卫冕冠军,今天遭遇了人手不足的问题。 最终,他们以94-132落败。

输掉这场比赛后,勇士遭遇了本赛季的第15场失利。 到目前为止,他们的客场战绩是3胜15负,客场胜率仅为16.7%。


底特律活塞队和休斯顿火箭队都输掉了13场客场比赛。 勇士队在客场输球后,排名跌出西部前十。





凯尔特人这边,布朗31分9篮板,塔图姆18分7篮板,斯玛特13分4篮板5助攻,布罗格登16分5篮板4助攻,格里芬13分7篮板 .

对手在上赛季的总决赛中再次相遇。 威金斯因伤缺席。 水花兄弟首节拿下20分,率队领先。 普尔第二节连得7分将领先优势扩大到两位数。 克莱上半场17投10中砍下24分,成为勇士领先的关键。 凯尔特人也不处于劣势,上半场就得到26分,半场结束时双方分差只有5分。 下半场比赛,勇士队多次将分差拉开到两位数,但凯尔特人队也一直紧追不舍。 末节分差再次被追至个位数后,勇士突然打出高潮,将比赛带走。

勇士队本赛季的主场战绩为 12 胜 2 负。 与骑士并列联盟第一。



世界杯1/8决赛,法国3-1淘汰波兰。 姆巴佩梅开二度,打破多项纪录。

姆巴佩2022年共代表巴黎圣日耳曼和法国国家队打进52球,成为自1950年以来代表欧洲五大联赛俱乐部和法国国家队自然年进球数第二多的球员,第二 仅到1958年,法国球星方丹就打进了66球。

此外,自从姆巴佩在本届世界杯法国队首战4-1澳大利亚的比赛中攻入法国队的第3粒进球后,姆巴佩直接参与了法国队最后7粒进球。 据统计,姆巴佩是世界杯上第四位做到这一点的球员。

此外,姆巴佩在世界杯上的第9粒进球超越了23岁349天的尤西比奥,成为最年轻的第9粒进球先生。 姆巴佩在世界杯淘汰赛打进5球追平齐达内。 姆巴佩本届世界杯打进5球。 他是自1958年方丹以来单届世界杯进球最多的法国球员。


恢复体形! 施罗德砍下赛季新高21分,三分球4投3中

北京时间,NBA常规赛,湖人143-138战胜马刺。 湖人球员丹尼斯-施罗德发挥出色,得到赛季最高的21分。


这是施罗德本赛季的第五场比赛。 在前四场比赛中,他感觉并不好。 他一共只得到24分,投篮命中率32%,三分球命中率14.3%。

本场比赛,施罗德终于找回状态,以超高的命中率砍下赛季最高的21分。 这对于湖人来说无疑是个好消息。



北京时间,据NBA记者Shams Charania报道,太阳队总经理詹姆斯-琼斯晋升为球队篮球运营总裁,并兼任球队总经理。






在今天凌晨结束的世界杯小组赛中,葡萄牙2-0战胜乌拉圭。 关于葡萄牙的第一个进球属于C罗还是属于B费的争论仍在继续。



据葡萄牙媒体A Bola报道,国际足联技术委员会正在对球门拥有者进行最终裁定,预计需要1-2个工作日才能得出最终结果。





这已经不是爱德华兹第一次把臀部放在场上观看队友进攻了。 上一场对阵火箭,爱德华兹在右侧45度角三分线外看着队友进攻,一动不动。



勇士队渴望 Poeltl 或 Turner,联盟第四差防守








连续132分钟! 塔克创下最长0分记录,但首次首发

北京时间,费城76人队主场迎战布鲁克林篮网队。 本场比赛,PJ-塔克出场37分钟,出手6次没有得分。 不过最终,76人还是以115比106击败了对手。

其实这并不是塔克本赛季第一次单场零分。 他连续四场比赛没有进球,创造了自1951-52赛季以来最长连续至少25分钟没有进球的记录。





陈洁琼介绍了备战情况,并表示:我们的主教练金正福和教练组,还有几名队员,将于今天抵达海口,很快就会与球队汇合。 这对我们来说是个好消息。 对于这场比赛,我们还是一如既往的认真准备,珍惜比赛的每一次机会,希望我们的球员,尤其是年轻球员,能够在比赛中发挥出自己的内涵,展现出自己的特色。


双炮! 厄瓜多尔的最后五个世界杯进球都来自瓦伦西亚


第16分钟,瓦伦西亚帮助球队取得领先。 Thad Sheb击倒瓦伦西亚,后者亲自主罚点球打入右下角。






热身赛-德甲黑马前锋2球1助攻 意大利3-1逆转客场取胜




意大利(3-4-3):21-梅雷; 5-斯卡尔维尼、19-博努奇(91’、9-皮纳蒙蒂)、95-巴斯托尼; 2-迪洛伦佐、6-维拉蒂(90’、25-帕芬迪)、8-托纳利(45+2’、4-里奇)、3-迪马尔科; 22-扎尼奥洛(77’,16-法齐奥利),10-拉斯帕多里(90’,14-基耶萨),20-格里福(77’,11-热尔诺托)


势不可挡! 那不勒斯11连胜领先第二名11分


上半场,奥斯梅恩头球破门,泽林斯基扩大比分。 下半场第58分钟,埃尔马斯精彩抽射破门,将比分改写为3-0。 乌迪内斯虽然在第78分钟和第81分钟扳回2球,但最终也无济于事。

15轮战罢,那不勒斯13胜2平积41分。 他们领先少赛一场的拉齐奥和AC米兰11分。

世界杯结束后,那不勒斯将客场对阵国际米兰,客场对阵尤文图斯。 如果这两场比赛都能拿下,那么时隔34年他们夺冠的可能性很大。


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Comment faire créer un en ligne Rencontres Profil pour les seniors

Le traditionnel principes de composer un efficace relation profile go quelque chose de similaire à ceci (largement paraphrasé):

Connaissez-vous les résultats des traditionnel de rencontre trans Nîmes sagesse?

Eh bien, après 36 mois de sporadiques (et, certes, souvent obsessionnelles) en ligne compte navigation, je pourrais résumer comme suit:


Tout le monde semble être un confiant, joyeux cœur en identique signifie – le texte “facile à vivre” et “optimiste” devenir le plus absolu ubiquitaire (avec tous les inexact “easy going et “up surmonter” tomber droit passé le sort check).

Ces gens qui s’en tiennent à la pro-photographe informations liquident remplacer photographies par cadre et définition par ennuyeuse studio plans .

Rapports heures au gymnase et quantité de marathons et fashionable obstacle cours remplacements pour informations sur joies et réalisations tissées dedans jour après jour de la existence.

Un couple de partager les grandes exigences qu’ils vraiment ont simplement parce qu’ils pourraient éventuellement finir par vous-même.

Et non tout avec un bout de bon sens ose prononcer un mot que pourrait être interprété comme (halètement!) négatif.

“Si 100 personnes contact, vous pourriez

découvrir élevé exigences couramment improbables . “

Une alternative à la sagesse conventionnelle.

C’est quelque chose Shéhérazade respecté chaque fois sa esprit était en danger .

Vous fascinez autres pas vraiment beaucoup des domaines vous éviter ou peut-être les spectacles vous pouvez facilement rapport – mais des histoires vous informer.

Je habitué enseigner collégiens comment être perceptible devant les comités d’admission de école, et que moi avons aussi auteur contenu d’essayer et persuader les législateurs d’évoluer plans.

Si j’ai enseigné composer pendant le salle de classe ou tenté de apporter un résumé problème vivant en tant que journaliste, généralement celui continu à l’intérieur se trouve être la création de un récit avec un début, un coeur et une fin.

Rarement fait un matchmaking profil inclut une histoire. Mais pourquoi doit pas?

Après tout, à tout moment montrez un extrait dans votre vie en mouvement, je vais vous apercevoir comme vous êtes – seulement si pendant un moment.

Et si vous partez moi avec un cliffhanger, je allons besoin d’avoir contact apprendre la fin.

Peut-être avant tout de, si 100 hommes et femmes pensent obligés prendre contact avec vous définitivement voir votre ensemble histoire, êtes très probablement à découvrir que élevé critères couramment un peu improbable.

Comment allez-vous inclure un récit dans le Profil de rencontres sur Internet?

Photo approvisionnement: bitrebels.com.


YourTango Online Dating Bootcamp: Time Fourteen

The road has become long, but the trip is actually finally going to an-end. Day Fourteen wraps up YourTango’s online dating sites bootcamp with some separating words from Heidi Lee Munson.

Choosing the One suggests kissing most frogs initially, and you will find yourself experiencing discouraged just like you wade through amphibians search of Prince – or Princess – Charming. But try not to get straight down – every frog you pucker up with puts you a stride nearer to puckering with the right person. Munson provides the following advice about daters dealing with online dating despair:

Congratulations on your own bootcamp graduation!

Associated Story: YourTango Online Dating Sites Bootcamp: Time Thirteen



Professional visibility Makeovers — through Profile Polish online dating sites does not have to draw

The Quick variation: Lisa Hoehn lives of the statement that “online dating doesn’t always have to suck,” and she’s which makes it much better for singles — one profile at the same time — at visibility Polish. Combining her authorship an internet-based internet dating expertise, Lisa helps her customers write a geniune dating profile, opt for the a lot of attractive photographs, and art response-worthy emails — spending hours learning each of them so she can satisfy their particular particular wants and needs.


Millions and millions of individuals utilize internet dating. Even though some figure it out quickly, for other individuals it is not easy and simple action to take — especially when you are looking at generating the perfect relationship profile.

When authorship does not are available naturally, becoming asked to write a profile that sounds genuine and will entice matches can seem like a frightening task.

But that’s just what visibility Polish is for — they are going to resolve the writing while daters manage the dating.

With a hand for authorship, an eye for marketing and advertising, and a center for internet dating, creator Lisa Hoehn assists singles produce users that echo their real selves — which, subsequently, can get them the reactions they really want and boost their internet dating knowledge in general.

Lisa performs this through the woman detailed profile makeovers, expert photograph choices, and collaborative information services — that she ended up being kind enough to provide us with the interior scoop on.

3 Targeted plans: Singles Can deal with their own Achilles Heel

From the information with the photos, Lisa adapts her profile makeovers for every single client and their specific needs. All she demands from them could be the title in the dating site they truly are utilizing and additionally use of their own personal photos and recent profile.

Lisa will handle the remainder with important services like:

On a case-by-case foundation, Lisa will also help consumers build emails which have been which may find out more answers.

But away from many of these beneficial attributes, just what Lisa is the majority of pleased with may be the high quality time she uses along with her customers, playing their unique private stories, their particular needs and wants, and their particular online dating tastes.

“I fork out a lot period performing detailed interviews and getting to know certain details that help myself make a profile that seems genuine to my personal client. Basically’ve reached understand somebody, I then’m capable echo their design,” she said.

Lisa can be fantastic at balancing out her personable nature with a few tough-love guidance, which she stated gets her consumers the results they desire.

“we grab a no-nonsense, no-bullshit attitude. We inform individuals the truth about their pages, and that I inform them the real truth about their own customers and just what internet sites they should be on,” she stated. “Occasionally that is not usually easy, but i do believe individuals appreciate my candor.”

A Diverse Clientele concerts Which Tips Work Best for Them

One regarding the qualities we admire the majority of about Lisa would be that she helps make the effort to utilize singles of varying ages (20 to 72+), areas (from U.S. to Singapore), and sexual orientations (heterosexual and LGBTQ).

Another special part of the woman clients usually 70% tend to be males vs 30per cent ladies. Lisa said simply because solitary women are almost certainly going to ask people they know for support, while men are usually self-conscious regarding their matchmaking battles.

“I became acquiring possibly five to six people to my personal profile per week before Lisa provided me with recommendations making my personal profile much more natural. Now I’m doing around 30 and getting far more replies to my messages.” — Ed, New York

Plus in working together with a wide variety of types of those that have many forms of internet dating specs, Lisa provides discovered which strategies are the most useful to use for each demographic.

“as an example, when composing profiles for older adults that trying to find some thing more severe, you need to be even more straightforward. You should be upfront by what you’re looking for, and I also believe with 20-somethings you may be a tad bit more mystical,” she mentioned.

Lisa’s Journalism Background Helped prepare Profile Polish a Success

The profitable writing techniques Lisa — author of “You Probably must not compose That: Tips and Tricks for Creating an on-line Dating Profile it doesn’t Suck” — uses now at visibility Polish result from the woman experience as a journalist.

While composing for protection journal and an outside adventure website, she discovered simple tips to select the significant specifics of a story that will ensure it is stand out from a-sea of articles. Like some body would choose the important factual statements about themselves as long as they planned to separate their particular online dating profile from the public.

During this period, she was also solitary, and her younger sis was actually sick and tired of reading the woman whine about it. So she did what any worthwhile aunt would do — she had gotten them a few beverages making Lisa create a profile on OkCupid.

Even while an expert journalist, Lisa was nervous about what they would composed, but she went using the flow. After a few annoying dates (such as one with a specialist clown exactly who brought their nose into the time), she’d had adequate.

“I was determined to stop internet dating, and that’s why we went back and checked my profile. I imagined, ‘My profile sucks. Not surprising my personal dates are terrible,'” she said. “I then redid my profile. We looked at a ton of profiles and discovered what I liked and the things I didn’t like, just what worked and exactly what don’t.”

Shortly Lisa’s brand-new and enhanced profile led their to an excellent date with a great man. She took the techniques she had learned and made use of these to help their unmarried buddies due to their pages. That is when the light bulb moved off.

“we redid their own pages, and situations began going on within really love life. Abruptly we knew You will find a knack because of this,” she stated.

She launched Profile Polish in 2013, and also the number of clients might spiraling up following that.

Last Thoughts

People shouldn’t need to be amazing article writers in order to find love if not an excellent date, and Profile Polish is having force off the non-wordsmiths available to choose from compliment of their useful solutions.

As Lisa states, internet dating users are like resumes — they get a foot during the home. And Lisa is more than happy to help singles do that by working together with these to bring out their very best qualities — written down.

“images can tell many story, nevertheless they cannot inform the complete story — same thing with formulas. Profiles tend to be your chance to convey yourself and bought it. The profile is really what establishes you apart, so you could too have a good one,” she mentioned.

Read more…


Canine Ate My Research and various other Excuses

All decked out and nowhere commit – most of us have already been through it. You’re outfitted and excited, but the phone bands using curt message that says he’s struggling to enable it to be.

We have been left wondering, “precisely why?”

Its right-about next that insecurity goes up up-and starts utilizing the onslaught with the negative enoughs.

Situation number 2 starts like top, merely this time we’ve managed to get to the restaurant and it also occurs: the dreaded no-show.

We’ve been stood up. I’m not sure which circumstance will be the worst, but there we are, egos and center at hand, asking issue again, “precisely why?”

Discover the solution:

We don’t know. That is a fact, gals.

Even though you speak to the person again, do not tell me you believe their particular justification? You might can’t say for sure exactly why they performed whatever they did.

Discover the icing from the cake: proper individual don’t care and attention.

Certain, they’ll be pissed and injured, even so they has a different sort of viewpoint. They regard this ditch given that other person’s problem.

By the way, if the cancellation is available in the form of a text rather than a call, he didn’t proper care enough about you or perhaps the day. Next!

“On the next occasion the device rings with a

cancellation, go out the entranceway anyhow.”

Why would someone do such an inconsiderate thing?

Well, they might have obtained a much better offer or determined they did not would you like to go out with you and took the chicken solution. The overriding point is, it does not matter and you ought ton’t go on it privately.

Cancelling eleventh hour and waiting you upwards is actually crappy, but replace your perspective about all this.

It generally does not indicate you happen to be flawed, not very sufficient or any of the some other enoughs we put at our selves. It simply implies that person is not suitable you.

If someone continuously cancels times, subsequently let the brick autumn on the mind and admit see your face is not really curious but does not know how to tell you.

In case you are stood up-and there isn’t any subsequent telephone call, give thanks to the lucky stars not much more time ended up being invested.

It is more about the manner in which you cope with it.

Quite simply, you pick your ego/heart from the flooring and move on. You cannot phone see your face, while avoid installing self-blame.

In the event he did oversleep, the bath ended up being broken and then he went over his puppy supporting out of the garage, right desire to feel important sufficient to justify a phone call?

If you don’t get a phone call, it’s because he is maybe not interested. Really does that pain? As long as you adopt it personally.

Bear in mind, you won’t want to spend some time with some body on the fence. You need someone that will leap on top of the barrier is with you.

Dating may be frustrating, complicated and hurtful some times, but preserving just the right perspective will relieve the bumps.

Taking which you may never be a great fit for an individual is easier to move through than travelling considering you’re not sufficient.

Next time the device rings with a last-minute cancellation, say “not a problem,” hang up, put-on that red-colored lipstick and leave the door anyway.

When you are seated in the cafe club with no day coming soon, purchase another rounded and hit upwards a discussion together with the individual near to you. You never know exactly what fate could have had in store.

Photo resource: prettyfluffy.com.

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SwingingHeaven Review — What Exactly Do We All Know Regarding It?

Do you wish to enhance your vanilla extract sex-life? Join movingHeaven! It real cougar womanly is a properly structured online dating solution specifically designed for swingers. The dating website provides a secure and exquisite environment to get swinger associates or be involved in almost every other activities connected with the swinging globe.

Swingers fit in with those intimately energetic groups which are judged and slammed by society. Into the globalization, where folks are much bolder regarding their intimate choices, swingers will always be depicted as lust ridden creatures of the mass media. Certainly, if men and women just be sure to reason, there is nothing wrong by what consenting adults carry out within intimate life. If no third party is actually harming or suffering, there is nothing incorrect with these tasks.

Many swingers dating sites, organizations, and communities arrange events and get with each other to offer indiscretions in order to prevent general public attention. The present day era for the internet made these communities’ schedules simpler and link far more convenient. Various on line programs have appeared on cyberworlds pertaining to this market.

SwingingHeaven is a unique dating platform that gives solutions to get in touch swingers from a number of countries. The website supplies independent yet not separated programs to different areas like the UK, the usa, Southern Africa, Australian Continent, Canada, an such like.

One thing to consume issue whenever writing on swingers dating service usually people satisfy to have pleasure in certain activities. These activities resemble what we should name friends with benefits relationships. There is somebody your everyday intimate encounter, that may involve any sexual fetishes. You might get similar pals with whom you can share your own fetishes and dreams openly. You can even discover individuals that need share their particular spicy gender stories when this allows you to hot. SwingingHeaven is not the best place to get emotional intimacy and a permanent dedicated connection. Why don’t we review what mysteries SwingingHeaven retains in secret box.

How might SwingingHeaven Work?

the essential search criteria in the SwingingHeaven dating site include gender, age, with picture users, and presently online members. The fundamental look conditions act like a number of other online dating sites.

Advanced search is available for users who would like to browse with certain tastes. You might get people in your own area making use of the neighborhood searches. You can also generate a profile movie to introduce you to ultimately the people in a superb method; this is going to make the profile be noticed and separate you against the normal crowd. You could stop chosen members from getting in touch with or frustrating you. It’s a brilliant feature, especially when you get many responses from members that don’t match your interest.

An organization cam function of SwingingHeaven supplies an opportunity for members to talk with customers which can be presently online and in the party talk program. Also, possible receive or enter exclusive chats together with other people on the internet site. There’s also an option for cam chat, which is a secure way to know somebody thoroughly regarding the first big date.

SwingingHeaven provides quick messenger feature exactly what supplies solutions like:

  • Capability to see on-line contacts
  • Solution to set your standing traditional if you wish to be undetectable
  • Real time up-date that permits you to definitely see once the various other member is actually typing a note

Searching a large number of profiles is the norm of adult dating sites, and people spend many hours with this activity. But SwingingHeaven besides offers a browsing solution but allows score profile photographs of additional people.

Registration — is-it Really Easy?

The subscription procedure of the SwingingHeaven will be the simplest on most of the internet dating internet sites. Just what customers expected to give is the legitimate email ID initial. You’ll pick a username to consider to select a descriptive login name with a lighter and fun tone that reflects the character or sexual choices. You need to select a password nicely; it needs to be powerful and secured. The past step is always to select your bank account type. You really have three alternatives for an account.

  • Solitary male
  • Solitary feminine
  • Few

Any time you choose the few choice, it will probably create two mutual accounts for a discussed email. All of it is completed one action, and your account is established in a few minutes. SwingingHeaven offers no solution to hook up the Facebook profile utilizing the web site to focus on the people’ confidentiality.

Your bank account needs to be verified because of the moderator, along with to wait your verification mail. As soon as you get the email, follow the website link; it is going to drive you to a verification photo, along with to upload a selfie revealing the face demonstrably. You have to keep a paper together with your username created on it. The picture is just for confirmation reasons and won’t be shared publicly on the internet site, so need not be concerned about getting respectable. Usually, required merely mins to perform the confirmation process, but if it requires more time, you can always get back to complete the verification process. Resume setting up your bank account and complete your profile meanwhile.

Think about Design and Usability?

The layout of internet site is actually smooth, and where it can did better, it’s not bad. There is the menu from the attributes you should browse at the top of the page. At the start, there clearly was a wall that displays how many other users have submitted. It’s just like fb, but on kinkier area.

Website’s layout is not hard to browse, and you can find your way through internet site without any complications. You’ll identify where you desire to opt for those individuals who have never ever utilized a dating website on the top in the page. You will see galleries, chatrooms, online forums, and a whole lot more situations.

All the features tend to be nicely arranged for simplicity. The black colored background with white fonts and the other way around with a few blue buttons provides the web site a genuine fancy look.

Let us discuss visibility Quality

The program regarding the SwingingHeaven profile is much like social media marketing web pages like Twitter. The real difference could be the information about SwingingHeaven is related to swingers online dating, maybe not social networking.

The profile encompasses a lot of fields as you are able to fill in order to make your profile remarkable, but none is compulsory. You can even miss the profile image and place up your membership. Do you think a free account without a profile photo will great? It is advised to try to complete as many areas possible provide the feeling of genuine and committed people. See one other profile and watch the way they have actually filled each area.

First, you have to supply information about your interests. After that is actually sexual tastes, such as right, bisexual, gay or lesbian, and fetishes you prefer or prepared to take to range BDSM, next generation, cybersex, etc. You can easily upload images from the device to generate an album and manage them as exclusive or general public. A thrilling function in regards to the exclusive collection is because they will not only look at upon request, you could also give access to additional people without request. You’ll change or add any profile details whenever you want. Keep in mind, you can’t change your membership or gain access to all free of charge characteristics with an unverified profile. If by any chance, you drop your data link or delete it, this site will keep on giving note emails to accomplish the process.

After you’ve a verified profile, you’re going to be supplied a seven-day trial period immediately. The demo period is the greatest strategy to feel the premium options that come with the web site. Because of this, you can easily determine whether upgrading is definitely worth their importance.

Evaluating the profiles on the website, you’ll realize that nearly all users tend to be in depth and informative and even though not necessary. Male pages take over the working platform with sixty percent show, while females express about 40 per cent associated with individual base. But women are more active people in relation to streaming.

There’s recommendation under every profile where members leave responses, and these reviews tend to be feedbacks from real people. For those who have an incredible time with somebody, don’t neglect to leave a comment on his / her profile. Quite the opposite, if a member is actually offensive or abusive, they get truthful opinions and alert others. It is a fantastic function that ought to be used more by various other online dating sites, especially the hookup web pages. This particular aspect really does an incredible job of advertising the self-regulation on the swingers area.

You can block an offensive user or report these to the moderator. If a user will get too many issues, these include prohibited from website. They are able to not logged in again. As an alternative, they receive notification of having banned with a brief explanation in the objective.

If users have something or feel the injustice, they are able to always contact the consumer support group and describe by themselves by making clear the problem. If you believe the site just isn’t per your own inclination, you’ll be able to leave the profile and obtain terminated as sedentary. You can even delete your bank account, in fact it is an irreversible process, and need another new profile should you decide improve your choice.

The mobile phone Application

Unfortunately, SwingingHeaven doesn’t have app today. However, discover another way to use the dating website on the road. The internet dating app works with your own Apple and Android smartphone browsers. The tasteful and easy smartphone adaptation is similar in efficiency and process into desktop computer adaptation. The routing of this web browser is user-friendly and best to use anyplace. It could be the help while touring for swingers occasions.

Security & Security

Discretion and privacy will be the emphasis of the movingparadise; it gives you complete power over the profile to their members. Users can choose whom they want to get in touch with and prevent. This site uses 256 little bit SSL Encryption and is GDPR compliant that provides users a safe atmosphere and peace of mind.

Rates and Benefits

SwingingHeaven supplies the members with ample of complimentary features to relish this site. However, to relish the entire benefits of the web site, you must update to premium account.

Regular user services

  • The features regular members can take advantage of add
  • Giving or replying three emails daily
  • Producing profile
  • See the quantity of consumers exactly who viewed the profile
  • Giving Quickie and is just one information provided for a group of individuals that suit your preferences
  • Searching and observing other people users
  • Covering tasks from particular members
  • Viewing your own potential suits
  • Watching restricted images in the community gallery
  • Taking part in the chatrooms and message boards

Superior member services

Premium users enjoy all benefits of the website as well as have usage of all of the features. The privileges these users enjoy include:

  • Endless messaging
  • Enjoying xxx photos and videos
  • Accessibility multiple chatrooms for partners
  • Modifying the configurations of your own activity feed
  • Watching That’s Looked Over The Profile Number
  • Using substantial photos and video clips
  • Accessibility seven chat space webcams
  • Complete accessibility chatrooms

Price and subscription programs

Premium Account

  • A month’s premium account cost is 16.95 GBP.
  • One year advanced membership expense is actually 56.95 GBP.

Superior and extra membership

  • 30 days advanced and additional account costs are 19.95 GBP.
  • Yearly advanced and additional account expense tend to be 74.95 GBP.

Assist & Support

SwingingHeaven features really considerable help and support system. Customers can found nearly all concerns connected with common questions, photo adverts, Forum and chatrooms. If you still have something, possible boost a support ticket and complete the form because of the called for info. The moderator with the web site is efficient in resolving issues in a short time.


Is SwingingHeaven secure?

Swingingeden supplies a discreet and safe ecosystem because of its users. Most hookup internet dating sites, and especially intimate people, need a platform in which they could freely talk about their sexual dreams and fetishes. SwingingHeaven supplies the users with satisfaction by providing an encrypted and protected system. Every private information and email addresses tend to be kept private.

Is actually SwingingHeaven a genuine dating website?

Swingingparadise isn’t your conventional dating system in which unmarried women and men identify vanilla love. The website caters to the requirements of individuals from the swingers community has already established specific dreams and fetishes. It gives their solution to many people with similar individuals without having any view.

The way you use Swingingeden?

Swingingeden offers lots of interaction methods to have interaction with people. Moreover, your website provides an online forum and team chatroom to discuss any subject associated with the community. Website also organizes occasions and events during the neighborhood locations making sure that users can accept their sex and satisfy new-people.

Is actually SwingingHeaven Free?

Registration and generating a profile on SwingingHeaven doesn’t need any cent. There are lots of users, merely handy for advanced people. Complimentary members have limited communication tools, only three emails everyday, in addition they can also take part in chat rooms and message boards. However, having limitless entry to all functions, the member has to upgrade their unique account.

Does SwingingHeaven Really Work?

Yes, SwingingHeaven works excellently for the swingers area by offering its services in finding prospective matches for sexual encounter and fetish. It also arranges events and clubs in order to connect with new people when you look at the swingers neighborhood.


In a nutshell, SwingingHeaven is a fantastic relationship and social media web site where swingers transform all of their sexual aspirations into reality. This site serves all sexual positioning requirements, such as directly, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. The as well as subtle atmosphere associated with website provides users a protected feeling with reassurance. You are able to head to a separate discussion board and chatrooms to communicate and connect with users and show your own viewpoints and fetishes freely. People additionally display their unique original tales and movies for other people to be controlled by and watch. The webcam element of the internet site provides a romantic touch to straightforward texting.

The site arranges various events and groups for users in their place. It really is a powerful way to connect members with new-people and explore their particular sexuality away from the judging stares. If you would like explore the swingers world or requirement partners to suit your sexual tasks, SwingingHeaven is the greatest program to serve your preferences.


Nonprofit Service Apna Ghar Aims to finish Gender Violence Among Immigrant Populations in Chicago

The Short type: Apna Ghar, a Chicago-based nonprofit, is found on a purpose to get to aid from immigrant survivors of sex physical violence in america. Created in 1990, the business offers a 24-hour crisis range, crisis protection, along with other supporting services for females and family members having domestic violence or sexual misuse. After cooperating with Apna Ghar’s advisors, supporters, and specialists, a lot of women being able to free themselves from abusive conditions and start to become separate and useful members of culture. If you should be in an abusive relationship, it is possible to talk to the Apna Ghar staff to come up with plans assuring your loved ones’s health and safety. From leaving your own abuser to searching for medical assistance, Apna Ghar can provide regional resources for survivors of any age and societies.


In line with the business wellness company, one in 3 women have experienced gender assault by a sweetheart, spouse, or member of the family. Additionally, almost 30% of females who have been in a relationship have seen romantic lover violence, such as physical and intimate punishment, at some stage in their everyday lives.

“The experience is quite similar across all socioeconomic and racial outlines,” stated Neha Gill, Executive Director of Apna Ghar, a nonprofit that helps survivors of upheaval in Chicago. “its regrettably something women experience irrespective who they really are or in which they are from.”

Five Asian-American women started Apna Ghar in January 1990 simply because they planned to drive sources toward aiding immigrants and refugees coping with residential physical violence, sexual misuse, or household injury. The creators came from diverse experiences in activism, even so they shared a desire to face the vocabulary and social barriers dealing with immigrant women in abusive scenarios.

“The founders arrived together if they understood that as immigrant communities became, issues of gender violence happened to be surfacing,” stated Neha Gill, Executive Director of Apna Ghar. “countless issues occur within these developing communities, together with creators wanted to have the ability to address all of them.”

Now, Apna Ghar supplies advocacy, property, and supporting solutions for immigrant survivors of domestic physical violence, family violence, person trafficking, and sexual abuse.

Neha oversees the agency with assistance from a practical panel of administrators, many of who happen making use of company since the inception. These dedicated individuals devote a lot of time and sources to aid immigrants and refugees get over injury. The organization’s overarching objective will be avoid gender violence in the community.

“We base our very own services and products on an understanding of what the survivors require,” she said. “We hear from their website what would perform best sites for milfs on their behalf and appeal our very own solutions around addressing exactly what the survivors are advising us.”

If you would like get involved with the nonprofit and support their altruistic mission, you can make a contribution on line or go to Apna Ghar’s fundraising occasions. Every April, the business’s Taste for a lifetime attracts 400+ individuals to sample signature meals from a number of Chicago’s finest restaurants. Its an excellent possibility to make a move good for the community and address you to ultimately a night of celebrating.

Natural Counseling & Housing Systems for Survivors & Families

What started as a volunteer-run crisis range soon turned into a citywide effort to recover and enable immigrant survivors over the telephone and in person.

The 24-hour situation line can be found for women who want anonymous guidance from an experienced consultant or advocate. Women of any age, from youngsters to seniors, can use this hotline to understand just what their particular options are and just what legal, medical, and personal services can protect them from an abusive spouse or relative.

The situation line is a good source for females who might not yet be ready to leave their homes or file for splitting up. Capable discuss their unique circumstances and give consideration to their choices anonymously.

Apna Ghar now offers an emergency secure residence for people who do keep an abusive scenario and require a safe spot to recover. Residents enjoy guidance and appropriate advocacy also the service of a passionate instance manager. Even though nonprofit does not utilize any attorneys, they could advise regional appropriate enterprises that do pro bono work with immigrant survivors.

“We try to help survivors regarding finding employment and getting financially safe,” Neha informed all of us. “countless our very own services arrived because of whatever you noticed folks required.”

From its transitional property system to the health workshops, Apna Ghar offers extensive solutions and methods to get folks right back on the feet. Even if the nonprofit doesn’t always have just what you’re looking for, you’ll gamble they will understand who. “We know we can not offer every little thing for survivors,” Neha mentioned, “therefore we have actually big network of companies we assist therefore we will give referrals for training or task education in addition to ESOL courses.”

Educating various other Organizations on Cultural Competency

In addition to the customer services, Apna Ghar additionally conducts classes in collaboration with other social-service organizations, doctors, and law enforcement. The Apna Ghar staff is an established authority on the subject of sex violence, to allow them to inform different experts who use survivors regarding the ideal way to offer their particular interests.

Considering the agency’s expertise on immigrant populations, it can also offer methods on cultural understanding and immigration legislation. Attracting from years of experience, the group can assess the judge system’s responsiveness to immigrant survivors and then make tips about how it can manage better in cases of domestic punishment.

“We think about improving the healthcare program therefore the appropriate system included in our mission,” Neha said. “we wish to help pros across-the-board boost their services for survivors centered on what we should have observed they need.”

Apna Ghar backs the referrals with instance scientific studies also analysis. The group in addition has eliminated into regional schools to carry out informational instructions about healthier relationships. By connecting with pupils on an individual degree, the nonprofit hopes to positively impact how they engage pals, relatives, and enchanting partners in the foreseeable future.

“We build relationships the city and conduct large-scale advocacy attempts, therefore we can really help protect against gender physical violence in the future which help replace the impacts of the experience,” stated Ashley Tsuruda, developing management of Apna Ghar.

Inspirational achievements for the customer Community

Hearing success tales from women who had gotten of bad scenarios and switched their resides around inspires Apna Ghar’s tight-knit team. Everybody else helping the entity in question knows they’ve been causing an effort that may alter some people’s resides for any much better.

Vijaya was expecting when she kept the woman abusive partner and sought support at Apna Ghar’s emergency housing. The entity in question aided her receive free prenatal treatment, and she quickly offered delivery to twins. 2 months later on, Vijaya signed a lease on her very own apartment in which she is now elevating her younger family safely.

“I felt like quitting, your service helps me go on,” mentioned one system person. Lots of people inside the nonprofit’s customer community praise the team’s caring care. Some individuals come from the counseling classes with a brand new outlook to their lives in addition to their parts as moms and dads. Some individuals grow nearer together inside the secure spaces given by the agency.

“Im surprised how supporting many people are right here.” — An Apna Ghar program associate

Some ladies reach Apna Ghar in the darkest minutes of their lives, as well as the team competently and compassionately gives them the methods they need to move forward. “I thanks to suit your sympathetic ear,” another mentioned. “i’m like the audience is in great hands.”

“When we think about what size the thing is, sometimes it feels slightly frightening,” Ashley mentioned, “but it’s great your method the corporation is structured, we can concentrate on the individual which help all of them overcome the condition and commence over.”

Apna Ghar Offers Women a Compassionate Support System

Gender assault impacts females of every age group and experiences. It really is a prevalent issue for families worldwide, but it is not easy to know what doing when an intimate spouse becomes abusive. Luckily, Apna Ghar along with other nonprofit organizations have placed considerable resources into empowering women in order to get help which will help prevent bad scenarios from escalating.

Whether you are seeking a separation or just need people to consult with regarding your situation, you’ll look to the company’s crisis helpline or emergency shelter to get significant help whilst evauluate things. These caring supporters never drop look of the man part of their work. They know the way tough it may be to conquer abusive household situations, and they do everything possible to ensure no body must proceed through that procedure alone.

“The staff echo the consumer area,” Ashley told united states. “We feel a part of the remedy, therefore we’re very linked to the issue of gender assault. It is extremely crucial that you everyone.”


Lulu: Women & Bathrooms

Lulu Poll: The Truth About ladies And Bathrooms (Spoiler: They Use Them & It’s really no Big Deal)

Everybody poops. This is not news in the slightest. But never ever so is this day-to-day deposit made a lot more of an issue than whenever a female must get at her date’s spot. This was news in my experience whenever I ended up being introduced to a poll by Lulu, an app that gives female-user-generated dude-reviews in order to determine whether or perhaps not he’s well worth a female’s time. This type of poll was developed whenever a Lulu user requested their sex and connection columnist, “The Dude” if she was actually creating extreme an issue of going to “elaborate lengths” in order to avoid using the bathroom at her partner’s destination.

Their information, obviously, had been certainly. Yes she’s. Not that she should “invite him directly into examine the damage [she’s] inflicted in the porcelain, however for the love of goodness, stop keeping it.” And then he’s right. Jack Morin, a health care provider regarding the derrière and writer of Anal health insurance and Pleasure, pleads you never ever “hold it in.” Overlooking your jade kush biological urge to squeeze (even farts) trigger severe problems for your internal sphincter, whose primary job will be deliver easy bowel movement. In the event that sphincter does come to be harmed, nearly every bowel movement there after will demand stressing and pressing. Which could next quickly result in hemorrhoids — undoubtedly, never as attractive than understanding you’ve defecated within boyfriend’s house.

After getting released toward indisputable fact that some women can be anxious of pooping in male business, we browsed posts to make sure this is exactly a widespread issue among girls, and not just an unusual instance (hard-hitting news media, i understand). Very quickly, i discovered this was a much-discussed concern. There are tons of tales likening pooping near some guy (especially one you are matchmaking) because “horrifying” as well as a “feminist concern.” There are even “how-to” articles for performing the deed without your partner noticing.

As some guy, I don’t relate solely to this worry. Furthermore, but I would personally never anticipated a lady to own these problems. Our very own men and women will vary, yes, but we are peoples, and, pardon the pun: crap takes place.

Indeed, something that a few of these individual tales had in accordance had been that after the apprehensive woman finally performed drop trou, the guy wasn’t troubled because of it at all. However, for some reason it remains a problem — but only among women.

This brings me personally to the outcome of Lulu’s poll, which questioned: Does using the restroom at men’s home nut you out? 50 % of respondents responded “Maybe initially,” that we imagine is organic, but additional evidence we have to change the feminine opinion. 2nd, at 21percent, happened to be the girls exactly who realize and generally are at tranquility with biology, answering: “No, it really is normal.” Accompanied by “it entirely freaks myself down — I always go back home to accomplish my personal business” at 19%, and “Well, I am not planning make use of the garden!” at 11%.

Females, (and I also can acknowledge I never thought I would say this): Go poo. Never harm your sphincter because you believe your own guy are grossed out. The guy will not be. I’ve had friends who have photographed their own feces and music taped their particular farts, for sobbing aloud (guys are gross). But we’re adult now (well, we are) thereisn’ want to hide at the rear of clenched butt face and an unfair double requirement.

Had gotten a viewpoint on the subject? Let us know how you feel inside the commentary below.


Match.com Reveals Shakespeare Continues To Be One Of The Biggest How To Woo

“If songs function as the meals of love, use,” Shakespeare had written in Twelfth-night. There is denying the power of a beat regarding attraction, but research by Match.com has actually discovered that the language of Bard are alluring in their own correct.

To remember the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s demise, the online dating rich ladies solution scoured their database for mentions of this wordsmith. “For four hundreds of years,” writes the Match web log, “Shakespeare has become seen as the maximum blogger and poet inside the English vocabulary; his sonnets and plays have grabbed the hearts of hundreds of thousands.”

It turns out, they have in addition seized an abundance of minds on Match.com. Mentioning Shakespeare inside profile boosts your chances of achievements on the site, specifically if you’re male. Men just who name-dropped the Elizabethan playwright happened to be 27per cent very likely to receive a response from females. Maybe it’s because 30percent of women throughout the solution describe on their own as “literary.”

Complement also discovered that singles in some towns and cities happened to be almost certainly going to mention Shakespeare as opposed to others. America’s biggest fans of Billy Shakes are not in nyc, san francisco bay area, and/or country’s different social hubs. They’re not despite locations noted for their particular Shakespeare festivals, like Ashland, Oregon. Contrary to popular belief, the Hamlet scribe was actually discussed most by fit consumers in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Boise, Idaho and Montgomery, Alabama accompanied.

For bibliophiles who aren’t obsessed with the Bard, complement compiled a list of claims rated by how many of the customers chosen checking out as an interest and listed the last guide they read within their profile. The very best 10 locations with literary consumers consist of Boston, Austin, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Ann Arbor, Michigan. Denver and Madison was available in at numbers 3 and 2, respectively. And lastly, the literary top had been guaranteed by… drum roll please… the one and only Fort Collins, Colorado.

Match.com actually advised many choice Shakespeare quotes for those who are trying to right up their unique online dating video game. Their particular preferences tend to be:

  • “Love seems maybe not because of the eyes, but with the mind, and for that reason is actually wing’d cupid coated blind.”
  • “Shall we evaluate thee to a summer’s time? Thou artwork a lot more lovely and more temperate.”
  • “what is in a name? Whatever we call a rose, by almost every other name would smell as sweet.”

Whether your profile is actually necessity of a spring cleaning, consider including a touch of the Bard’s miracle to spruce it. In case you want to take a cue from his famous romances, do not forget it is one of the comedies. Everyone knows exactly how Romeo and Juliet ended up.